About the campaign

Consistent underfunding and broken promises have left our NHS on its knees, and the public bearing the pain. It's been one year since Rishi Sunak pledged to reduce NHS waits. Yet lists have grown to record highs and are well above what they were last year.
There are 6,366,070 of us waiting for an NHS procedure, the equivalent of a queue 1,818 miles long, stretching from London to Istanbul.
Those of us living with the pain and uncertainty of waiting, or having a loved one who is, cannot continue. We won’t wait any longer. It’s time for Rishi Sunak to take responsibility, stop pitting staff and patients against each other, and give this vital public service the funding it needs to survive and thrive - now.
Join thousands of others across the country and add your name to our petition demanding an emergency plan.

Who we are...

38 Degrees is a people-powered campaigning group that gives people in every constituency in the UK creative, impactful ways to have their voices heard by those in power. We help our supporters fight for the Britain we all want to see: a country that is fairer, more respectful, and more sustainable for all of us.
38 Degrees supporters have campaigned for a better-funded, fully public NHS, and better conditions for our NHS heroes. Now, we’re working to show the current Government - and any political party that hopes to form the next one - that the time for excuses on our NHS is over.
This website was funded by hundreds of small donations from 38 Degrees supporters, who all chipped in fivers and tenners to be used to fight for our NHS.

The numbers struggling to get GP appointments are based on a Survation survey for 38 Degrees of 10,334 UK residents. Constituency level data was calculated using multilevel regression and post stratification. Click here for more information.
The queue is based on the Queen's lying-in-state queue and the number of people who could wait. The map uses a figure of 3,500 people per mile. The number of patients is from NHS England. Patient stories were generated from a survey of 38 Degrees supporters.
Press and media
For more information, or to arrange an interview with someone affected by NHS waits, please contact Hannah Graham: [email protected]
The queue is designed to be embedded into websites to illustrate the scale of the crisis in our NHS. If you’d like to embed the queue into a news story on your website, free of charge, please get in touch for details.